AccountantAsset ManagerCEO, CFO,
and Executive Team
Tech and Innovation
Reliable property-level data you can trust to make better decisions
As real estate professionals, we use industry expertise and machine learning to ensure your data is accurate and reliable.Because better decisions start with better data.
Get accurate, standardized
data faster
SpeedOur system is able to process property-level data instantly, meaning asset managers do not need to wait to review the latest performance
AccuracyAll data points are checked for errors, allowing asset managers to trust the outputs they look at to make decisions
ConsistencyOur system maps all data points to a uniform set of ledgers, allowing asset managers to view and compare metrics across their entire portfolio with the confidence that all data is comparable across assets
Data LineageIntelas collects data at the transaction level, allowing asset managers to drill down to the most granular data point to find answers

Data Sets

T – 12
Actual vs Budget
Operating Metrics
+ Many More

* Contact us for custom data sets

LuisAsset Management Vice President
Before Intelas, I had stopped using our asset management dashboards because I didn’t trust the numbers. Now I feel like I can rely on the data I’m looking at.
MyleneAsset Management Associate
I literally used to receive 30 emails a month with multiple attachments from our JV partners. Now, everything gets collected in a single place.
Try It for Free.
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NY 10012
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